Phestone Kawawa joined the TWR Malawi family in 2014, embarking on a journey that has been marked by growth and a shared mission to spread the Gospel through radio. His time with TWR Malawi has not only allowed him to contribute to the ministry but has also provided him with a sense of purpose as part of the larger body of Christ in Malawi.
His dedication is evident in the diversity of programs he’s involved with, including “Mphamvu ya Mtanda,” “Kulingalira Mozama,” and “Kodi Mulipati?”.
Phestone recognizes the power of radio as a partner in daily life. Beyond being a source of entertainment, radio serves as a tool for learning and information dissemination, making it an essential part of daily life.
1 John 4:4 holds a special place in Phestone’s heart: “…Greater is He in me than he who is in the world…”
When Phestone is not actively involved in producing and presenting radio programs, he enjoys turning to the radio as a source of entertainment, information, and learning. This not only reflects his dedication to his craft but also his commitment to continuous improvement and growth as a media professional.